Dr. Surendra Deo Tiwari

Associate Professor


Condensed Matter Physics




Condensed Matter Physics




S.D. Tiwari is Associate Professor in School of Physics and Materials Science. He joined the School in 2006 as an Assistant Professor after completing his Ph.D. degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

Research Projects:

Title: Effect of Magnetic Anisotropy and Particle Size Distribution on the Magnetization of Antiferromagnetic NiO Nanoparticles

Funding Agency: CSIR, India

Period: 2014-17

Membership of Professional Institutions, Associations, Societies

Publications and other Research Outputs


  • Estimation of particle magnetic moment distribution for antiferromagnetic ferrihydrite nanoparticles; Chandni Rani and S.D. Tiwari, J. of Magn. Magn. Mater. 385, 272 (2015).

  • Estimation of particle concentration in a nanocomposite using magnetization data; Chandni Rani, S.D. Tiwari and Devendra Kumar, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 6001005 (2015).

  • Nature of Magnetic Interactions in β-Co(OH)2 Nanoparticles; Anu Gupta, S.D. Tiwari and Devendra Kumar, Phys. Status Solidi B 253, 1795 (2016).

  • Superparamagnetic Behavior of Antiferromagnetic Six Lines Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles; Chandni Rani and S.D. Tiwari, Physica B 513, 58 (2017).

  • Phase Transitions in Two Lines Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles; Chandni Rani and S.D. Tiwari, Applied Physics A 123, 532 (2017).

  • Magnetic Properties of Undoped and Al doped Layered α-Co(OH)2; Anu Gupta and S.D. Tiwari, Physica B 525, 21 (2017).

 Description of Research Interests

We are studying magnetic behaviour of nanoparticles of oxides and hydroxides of iron, nickel and cobalt.

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